
In the frame of the Hubert Curien CEDRE program (PHC-AAP 2019), researchers in higher education and research organizations in Lebanon and France were engaged in fruitful scientific exchanges on conception and analyses of landscapes and related societal issues. This conference aims to share the outcomes of these exchanges. It however also wishes to open up to other innovative proposals, emerging within scientific and public debates, seeking to renew our ways of thinking and making landscapes over time.


Lebanese part : 


National council of scientific research Libanon (CNRS-L)

Libanese University ; Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture  of Libanese University

- CERDA Research center (Cycle d’études et de recherches en développement et en aménagement) / LU

French part : 


- National School of Architecture of Versailles

- Research center of National School of Architecture of Versailles (LAREP)

- University of Poitiers

- Research center Rural, Urban, Actors, Links, Territories (RURALITES)



This symposium is supported by the Federation de Recherche TERRITOIRES  of the University of Poitiers. 





                                                                                     Free of charge


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